There is one thing I detest buying more than anything else in the world.
And that is perfume.

(pic from
With tons and tons and tons of choices ranging from fruity to floral-y to spicy and musky, how do you make a choice when after sniffs of five perfumes your nose becomes paralyzed, and your head starts to pound?
Sometimes you run across something that you like. But how do you know that you won't get sick of it within a month? This has happened to me, the majority of times that I have ventured to buy a new fragrance, so I ended up giving away or throwing away 90% of the perfumes that I have bought in the last 10 years. This is also why in the past few years I have stuck to the old favorites.
Now I am feeling an itch to buy a new fragrance....
Scary thought!
PS. I kinda liked l'Eau de Hadrien by Annick Goutal when I tried it the last time. Anyone tried it before? You like or dislike?
Also if you have other suggestions.... I think I might want something citrus-y.
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