The only things that I have brought back from Europe on this trip
- with the dollar being useless against the euro- are the free chocolate bars that we got on the flight on Lufthansa between Frankfurt and Madrid.

(photography from
Although I love love love chocolate, I did not have high hopes for the chocolate bars, since they were mass produced chocolate, and they were given out for free. But guess what? They were actually very very good. Much better than some of the specialty chocolate that I get in the US that I pay quite a bit of money for.
What is it about European chocolate that makes it so much better than American chocolate? To me, American chocolate tastes rubbery and tasteless compared to its creamy European counterpart. Surely, I am not the only one who thinks this?
I have heard that it has to do with the sugar content, with Americans using more sugar. To my palate, it tastes like there is difference in the cream....
Does anyone know why European and American chocolates taste so different?
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