I might annoy you in the next couple weeks because I have a new toy.
And because I become a child again when I have something new. I'll be obsessed with it, playing around with it and showing it off every chance I get. I surprised (=annoyed) my husband last night by bringing out the dSLR and new lens to Shaw's Crab House last night. And I also took it out to take pics of my breakfast this morning....

Nice, huh? Ha ha ha....
It's not me though. I think it really is the lens. The Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D has received rave reviews from many photo-fanatics. The image quality taken with this lens is quite extraordinary - really sharp, which is quite impressive given that it is one of the cheaper lenses out there. Definitely worth the money.
PS. The pancake in the photo is made with the recipe with lemons + milk that I mentioned in an earlier post. I had frozen the remainder and defrosted and used this morning. But they were still pretty good!
I need to get with you on cameras. I have the nicest Nikon D50 that was a graduation gift. It has a nice lens, but I've never read the manual or played with it much, and I have a very hard time getting clear, sharp photos. I can't figure out if it's my lack of photography skillz, or what. But I'm always so jealous of the clarity of the photos on dooce.com.
We'll have to practice together!
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