I've decided to take a little reprieve from my African journal today and write about something else instead.
Maybe some Sex and the City?
Like many other girls who are in their 30s now, my single days in the late 90s- early 2000s, were influenced quite a bit by SATC. We used to have SATC nights on Sunday nights - we eagerly devoured the story and fashion of the new episode and sipped on cosmopolitans while dishing on our own lives and relationships. At times we would compare ourselves to the characters and see who is most like Carrie, Samantha, Miranda or Charlotte. (Of course I always thought I was more of a Carrie... )
The characters were exaggerated, the stories were fabricated. But somehow the characters and stories resonated in our hearts and minds as no other tv show had ever did. Here were girls that were going through the same experiences as us, and came out on top and looking great at the same time...

A few years have now passed since the last season of SATC. My closest girlfriends (who are still my closest friends) have all moved along - all now being married and many having children. As well as myself - now married, rarely going out on the town....
I could see that the SATC girls had matured and so had I. And like before, we are at similar stages in our lives. None of us were really looking for the "right man" anymore. Rather we are all seeking balance in our lives. The only difference was that the girls were still looking fabulous in their Manolo Blahniks, while I was happy (and a little frumpy) in my Havaianas.
Although I am extremely happy with my life now, watching the movie did make me miss the good old days when I had more energy, my metabolism was faster, didn't get hangovers as much and could wear 3 inch heels with no problem. (Maybe I should try wearing them again?)
And more than anything, I miss my girls - funny, but all the other girls of the SATC night have moved away from Chicago - and the girls' nights we used to have...
1 comment:
I miss our SATC nights too. I love reading your blog...you really do have a way with words....very poetic. I can truly hear your voice in your postings!!! It makes me miss you more and at the same time I feel closer to you.
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